Ugandan media trained on social protection.

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Ugandan media trained  on social  protection.
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By Hassan Waswa

The Minister for Gender, Labour and Social Development Betty Among is concerned that the Ministry of short of 20.8 billion shillings to support the elderly people under the government program Social Assistance Grant for Empowerment (SAGE) in the year 2024/2025

The Minister who was opening the Media Sensitization workshop on Social Protection in Uganda at Imperial Royale Hotel in Kampala says as a ministry they are now planning to push it through a supplementary so as to ensure social protection for all the older persons between the age of 80 and above.

The Minister also used this platform to disclose to the media the other government programmes that the vulnerable people can benefit from.

“The Special grants for the elderly Persons (SEGO) is for the elderly people between the age of 60-79 and under this programme, a group of five elderly people must come together form a group and apply for an enterprise that can sustain their income. Under this program a grant of 5 million shillings is extended to them”. Minister Amongi said.

“The special grant for Persons with disability is also another programme for the vulnerable persons. Under this Programme, 5 disabled persons are required to form a group apply for an enterprise through a CDO and will be supported with five million shillings”. Minister Betty Amongi added.

The other programs according to the Minister is the Youth lively hood programme for the Youth and Uganda Women Enterprise Programme (UWEP) for the Ugandan Women.

According to the 2024/2025, SAGE was only allocated 100 bn shillings, Youth livelihood programme 27.2 billion, Pwds 8.11bn, Councils 6bn shillings and wage 2.7bn shillings among other items.

Patrick Katabaazi, the Coordinator for the Uganda Parliamentary Forum on Social Protection is concerned that priority areas continue to loose allocations something that may affect the full realizations of the implementation of programmes under social Protection.

To the President of Uganda Parliamentary Press Association Sam Ibanda Mugabi, media must facilitate public dialogue by creating space for discussion and debate on issues related to social protection.

“As we amplify the voices of the marginalized people like the elderly and PWD’s, government officials must be available in providing the necessary information that we need to share with the public”. UPPA President Samuel Ibanda Mugabi said.

According to the head Programme Management Unit at the Ministry Stephen Kasaija, the media training was aimed at deepening understanding of the SAGE and the overall social protection sub-sector, providing a platform for accurate and informed reporting on matters of social protection.

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